Legal notices
Legal notices JENOPTEC
In accordance with Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy (LCEN) This site is the property of JENOPTEC:
Company name: JENOPTEC
SAS -SIRET 339 226 532 00069
Headquarters: 348 rue Hélène boucher, 78530 Buc
Name of the director or co-director of the publication and / or the editor: Arnaud FOURMENTIN
Accommodation information:
Name of host: 1 & 1 Internet
Company name: SARL
SIRET 431 303 775 000 16
Address: 7, place de la Gare / BP 70109/57201 Sarreguemines CEDEX
Telephone numbers: 0970 808 911 (non-premium rate call)
Sales contact:
Information relating to the design of the site:
Graphic design and development:
Zébra Communication
Address: 10 rue des Jouvencelles, 77250 Moret-sur-Loing
Phone. : 01 60 70 14 03
Photo credits: Shutterstock / Envato
Warning : any reproduction, representation, translation, adaptation or quotation whatsoever, in whole or in part, whatever the process, is strictly prohibited without the authorization of JENOPTEC, except in cases provided for by article L.112-5 of intellectual property code.